SWBookZone News Archives
September 4, 2009
ARTICLES Mistaken Identity: A Look at 4 George Lucas' Who Didn't Create Star Wars
Everyone knows about George Lucas. He's the multi-billionaire filmmaker who brought the world Star Wars, Indiana Jones and American Graffiti. SWBookZone.com presents a look at four men who share the same name as the legendary film director. |
September 1, 2009
ARTICLES Where do I start and what do I read?: 7 Tips About the Expanded Universe
With hundreds of Star Wars novels, comics and young adult novels in print it can be a daunting task to know where to begin. Here are some tips. |
August 11, 2009
PHOTO GALLERIES International Star Wars Covers
We're developing a new photo gallery that showcases some of the different cover art featured on international printings of Star Wars books. These different covers are fun to see--check 'em out! |
August 6, 2009
ARTICLES Top 10 Star Wars Controversies
Hotly contested oversights, additions and mysteries are all represented as SWBookZone.com counts down the Top 10 Star Wars Controversies. |
July 7, 2009
ESSAY Three Big Reasons Why Luke Skywalker Must Die
As the Star Wars novels advance deeper into the Legacy of the Force Era--and farther away from the events of Star Wars: A New Hope--a big change is in order. Luke Skywalker must die.... |
July 4, 2009
COMMENTARY Fiction vs. Non-Fiction
If I told you that right now I was going to sit down a write a biography of Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, would you say that my biography is fiction or non-fiction? |
June 24, 2009
FAN EXPERIENCE A Long Time Ago: The Story of How I Found Star Wars
One day in 1999, as I was walking into the grocery store, I stopped and gazed up at a promotional display for Star Wars Episode I.... |
June 18, 2009
ESSAY Han vs. Greedo: A Look at the Shot Heard Around the Galaxy
The 1997 release of Star Wars: Special Edition spurred one of the most controversial Star Wars debates of all time: Who shot first, Han or Greedo? SWBookZone.com examines some of the arguments. |
June 15, 2009
Backlash Cover Design Released
Today StarWars.com released the cover design for Backlash, which is Book 4 of the Fate of the Jedi novel series. |
June 11, 2009
ARTICLES Where to Find Free Star Wars Stuff
You're short on cash. That shouldn't stop you from enjoying Star Wars. This article will show you how to take advantage of a lot of the free Star Wars stuff out there. |
June 6, 2009
ARTICLES Why Yoda and The Emperor Should Leave Their Lightsabers at Home
Since the release of the Original Trilogy, many fans have wondered how Yoda or the Emperor would look in lightsaber combat.... |
May 30, 2009
ARTICLES Top 10 Weirdest Star Wars Products
SWBookzone.com explores the bizarre side of the Star Wars merchandising galaxy by counting down the Top 10 Weirdest Star Wars Products that you can buy. |
May 28, 2009
The new short story "Lost Tribe of the Sith: Precipice" by John Jackson Miller has been added to the FREE Official Stories section. |
April 4, 2009
ESSAY Not Your Average Sith Lord: A Brief Examination of Count Dooku
Count Dooku's manner and appearance differentiate him from his dark side peers in the Star Wars films.... |
March 30, 2009
FICTION FREE Official Star Wars Stories
This is a list of FREE Lucasfilm endorsed Star Wars stories and online comic books. Format of the stories varies--some are PDF, some are text, and some require flash. |
March 23, 2009
COMMENTARY Why The Clone Wars Movie is Both a Success and Failure
February 21, 2009
Star Wars Word Origins
February 14, 2009
ESSAY Chosen One: How Anakin Skywalker Brought Balance to the Force
February 7, 2009
COMMENTARY Rise of the eBook: Amazon Kindle and the Star Wars Galaxy
February 6, 2009
GET INVOLVED Glossary of Star Wars Terms
January 31, 2009
COMMENTARY Strategic Decision: Star Wars To Dabble in Horror with Deathtroopers
January 24, 2009
FEATURE Top Ten Coolest Star Wars Book Covers of All Time
January 18, 2009
ARTICLE Where to Buy Star Wars Books