Where to Find Free Star Wars Stuff |
By Kat
Staff Writer
You're short on cash. That shouldn't stop you from enjoying Star Wars. This article will show you how to take advantage of a lot of the free Star Wars stuff out there.

Read Free Official Star Wars Stories
There are many official Star Wars stories floating around in cyberspace, if you know where to look. In fact, you can find SWBookZone.com's list of Free Official Star Wars Stories here.
Borrow Books at the Library
Your local library just might be carrying the Star Wars book, comic or movie that you're looking for. Best of all, borrowing books is free. Some libraries do charge a small fee for movie rentals, but it's usually nominal. Plus, you're supporting a good cause.
Watch Free Star Wars Fan Films
Fan Films have become a staple of Star Wars fandom. If you search "Star Wars" in YouTube you'll find such gems as Chad Vader: Dayshift Manager and Stephen Colbert Star Wars Green Screen Challenge. AtomFilms features many fan films too--in fact, every year AtomFilms teams up with Lucasfilm for a fan films contest call the Star Wars Fan Movie Challenge. TheForce.net is also a great fan film resource.
Find Do It Yourself Projects
StarWars.com posts guides to some great Star Wars do it yourself tutorials. Learn how to make an Ewok sock puppet or draw Darth Vader. Sure, it's listed under the Star Wars Kids section, but these projects are fun for fans of all ages. Unofficial fan websites like The Padawan's Guide to Star Wars Costumes and Big Yellow Box also have great tutorials that show you how to make your own Star Wars costume or build your own lightsaber. Pretty cool, huh?
Play Free Online Star Wars Games
The internet boasts lots of free official Star Wars games. You can find these games on sites like: StarWars.com and Hasbro.com.
Surf for Star Wars in Cyberspace
The sheer volume of fan sites on the internet can be overwhelming. Database sites like: Galactic Binder, Wookieepedia, and Nerf-Herders-Anonymous are all meticulously assembled resources that can direct you towards the type of Star Wars related content that you are looking for.
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